Factors associated with adherence to drug therapy among patients with diabetes without hypertension





medication adherence, diabetes mellitus type 2, essential hypertension


Objective: To identify the factors associated with adherence to drug therapy among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus without hypertension. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional, analytical study conducted with patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
without hypertension, divided into an adherent group (n = 145) and a non-adherent group (n = 49), determined by the 4-item Morisky Medication Adherence Scale (MMAS-4). The associated factors were sex, cohabitation, schooling, occupation, age in 10-year groups and diabetes progression time grouped in less than 1 year, from 1 to 5 years, from
6 to 10 years and more than 10 years. The statistical analysis plan included the chi-square test. Results: The factors associated with adherence to drug therapy were identified as sex (p = 0.045), cohabitation (p = 0.045), age (p = 0.001) and disease progression time (p = 0.001). Schooling was not identified as a factor associated with adherence
to drug therapy among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (p = 0.289). The older the patient with diabetes, the lower the adherence to drug therapy; the cut-off point was 60 years of age, after which the percentage in the non-adherent group was higher than in the adherent group (p = 0.001). The longer the diabetes progression time, the lower the probability of adherence; in the non-adherent group the percentage of patients with more than 10 years of disease progression was 67.3 % and in the adherent group the percentage was 33.8 % (p = 0.001). Conclusions: The factors associated with adherence to drug therapy among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus without hypertension were identified.


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How to Cite

Díaz Santiago H, Marcial Cruz D, Galicia Rodríguez L, Villarreal Ríos E, Julián López C, Elizarrarás Rivas J. Factors associated with adherence to drug therapy among patients with diabetes without hypertension. Horiz Med [Internet]. 2023Dec.18 [cited 2024May18];23(4):e2383. Available from: https://www.horizontemedico.usmp.edu.pe/index.php/horizontemed/article/view/2383



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