Work motivation and job satisfaction of a private health care organization staff




Motivation, Job satisfaction, Human resources, Work performance, Total quality, Quality management


Objective: Work motivation and job satisfaction are key elements for Human Resource Management from a total quality approach. This study aims to establish the relationship between work motivation and job satisfaction of the staff of the Peruvian branch of Partners in Health, to determine the staff´s level of work motivation according to Frederick Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory, and to determine the staff´s level of job satisfaction according to the dimensions of the Font Roja questionnaire. Materials and methods: A descriptive, observational, cross-sectional, relational study. The sample consisted of 136 workers who completed a self-administered survey between February and June 2016. Results: The level of work motivation was “moderately motivated” (49.3%). Regarding the hygiene factors, workers were moderately motivated (46.3%), and the factors with the highest overall averages were “Relationship with the boss” and “Relationship with co-workers”, while the factors with the lowest averages were “Prestige or status” and “Policies and guidelines of the organization”. Regarding the motivational factors, workers were moderately motivated (57.4%), and the factors with the highest averages were “The job by itself as a positive stimulus” and “Responsibility”, while the factor with the lowest average was “Professional development”. The level of job satisfaction was “moderately satisfied” (56.6%), and the component with the highest overall average was “Personal relationship”, while the components with the lowest overall averages were “Pressure at work”, “Variety of the task” and “Relaxation at work”. The Spearman coefficient was 0.336. The following statement was accepted: “The greater the work motivation, the greater the job satisfaction of the staff of the Peruvian branch of Partners in Health.” Conclusions: The relationship between work motivation and job satisfaction has a low positive correlation. The level of work motivation was “moderately motivated”. The level of job satisfaction was “moderately satisfied”.


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How to Cite

Marin Samanez HS, Placencia Medina MD. Work motivation and job satisfaction of a private health care organization staff. Horiz Med [Internet]. 2017Dec.2 [cited 2024Sep.20];17(4):42-5. Available from:



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